The drains have backed up again

What's going down in the 'hood?

The latest entries into this pit of despair

Freedom: a matter of perspective
3 May

Presidential Medals of Freedom, the US equivalent of top gongs for doing the day job. And 'Pa Joe's giving out nineteen of those suckers, although not all recipients will be in attendance.

politics; quoted for WTF?
The bee's knees 🐝
1 May

A search for do bees have knees?* threw up this strange follow-on: how many bees do knees have?

quoted for WTF?
Rapper's delight
30 April

Announced on the BBC's home page: Iranian rapper sentenced to death. It may seem harsh, but it's not unreasonable. And it's nice to see that at least the Iranian authorities are taking the blight on the music scene that (c)rap represents seriously.

culture vulture; politics; random thoughts & brain farts
Impermanent permanence
30 April

A tale of fallen glory and fortitude among the German Bundesliga, as the once mighty Schalke descend to the lower levels of the second division and fight off relegation, is accompanied by this unfortunate choice of words:

Charlotte sometimes
30 April

Eight police officers were shot yesterday during a siege in Charlotte, NC, four of them fatally. Charlotte-Mecklenburg's police chief told a press conference:

crime & punishment

The latest updates to past woes

Dumza rock
30 April

As I suspected, Meechan's inconsolable! You don't have to watch the video, you can just tell by the look on his face in the thumbnail.

Ranking officer
23 April

It's been fixed now.

BBC editorial standards: how many monkeys does it take…?; I, pedant
Harsh, but fair
19 April

On two of the three questions I guessed wrong…

in the news; random thoughts & brain farts
They come as a pair
19 April

Oh, this is interesting, albeit mildly. Sweeney, or rather her representative, made a rebuttal to Baum's comments which was reported in Variety. And this is where the BBC picked up on the story.

celeb; wit & wisdom of the comments section
Woke Scrabble
17 April

I'm pretty sure the recent accusation of Scrabble going woke only applied to the dumbing down of Scrabble Together as being less intimidating and made for Gen-Z who prefer a less cutthroat game with more opportunity for collaboration.* But there was a bit of a spat a couple of years ago, when 419 offensive Scrabble words [were banned] on the orders of game owners Hasbro and Mattel.

random thoughts & brain farts


40 postsattention whore7 postsbanging my head on the desk234 postsBBC editorial standards: how many monkeys does it take…?59 postsbonkers13 postsboy, that escalated quickly!12 postsbrain8 postsbrowsers10 postsbusiness187 postsceleb76 postsChongvirus/WuFlu9 postscoding43 postscorporate cobblers219 postscrime & punishment162 postsculture vulture23 postsdesign1 postsdon't believe the hype23 postseconomics27 postsedumakayshun30 postselementary, my dear Watson!348 postsentertainment42 postsenvironment57 postsethics66 postsfood & diet38 postsgodstuff/religion43 postsgotta respect the grift70 postsgrumpy99 postshealth46 postshistory19 postshow not to win10 postsI h8 Margot Robbie101 postsI, pedant37 postsif schadenfreude didn't exist, it would have to be created24 postsin the news136 postslanguage8 postslil' ol' propeller-head me32 postslost for words71 postsobituaries109 postspandemic121 postspandering4 postsPassione Celeste13 postsphilosophy239 postspolitics229 postspredatory publishing & conferences143 postsquoted for WTF?338 postsrandom thoughts & brain farts41 postsreviews32 postsscience43 postssecurity2 postssicko55 postssnowflake61 postssport11 postsstandards26 postsstay in your lane85 poststechnology121 poststeh soshull notwerk42 poststhe cuntry club54 poststhe rumour mill23 poststravel76 postsunsolicited commercial email40 postswhat's in a name?61 postswit & wisdom of the comments section31 postsyou couldn't make this shit up!